Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Design a Beautiful Smile

Beautiful Smile design
Smile is the most precious asset and a smile can light up a thousand faces. Restoring and improving a smile is very gratifying for a dentist. Some people are conscious about their smile and it also affects their self image. Smile design improves the self image of a person.
There are cosmetic dentistry procedures such as tooth implants, dental veneers, teeth whitening, composite bonding involved in smile designing or smile makeover. A smile makeover studies facial appearance, hair color, teeth color, width, the tooth display, gum tissues and lips.
Smile designing or smile makeover is a method where the oral tissues; hard and soft are studied. Some changes are made to them and this consequently improves the overall beauty of the face.
Smile is categorized into:
Active smile:
The lips in an active smile move significantly away from each other and teeth and gums are seen.
Passive smile:
Lips are parted but slightly from the rest position.
This type of smile is an instant change from an active smile position. Gums and teeth are seen completely.
Beauty is a very subjective term but what kind of smile you find beautiful, you can have it through smile design.
Some aspects that the dentist will work on during a smile makeover are:
Teeth color:
The teeth with silver or dental amalgam dental filling have to be replaced with teeth, with dental restoration. Discolored teeth do not look pleasant. A beautiful smile is made of teeth whitening. The dentist considers your face and hair tone while whitening the teeth.
Missing teeth:
Missing teeth make a negative effect on your appearance. They can be replaced with dental implants or partial dentures.
Cracked and uneven teeth can be improved with cosmetic bonding. Teeth may be crooked, overlapped or might have gaps between them. They can be aligned through orthodontics.
Fuller lips:
Unshapely and an aged face can be improved with certain procedures of smile makeover.
Through smile design you can have a beautiful smile, a smile that you desire.

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