Sunday, 10 June 2012

Gummy Smiles

There are in numerous variations of smiles, some people have wide smiles, and some have toothy smiles while some have crooked smiles. One of the types of smiles that not many are aware of is the gummy smile.  A smile is considered “gummy” if significant amount of gums (gingival tissues) are seen when a person smiles. Normally, only the teeth and a small amount of gums are visible. However with a gummy smile the gums are sometimes visible till the root of the teeth. Though not a major hindrance, a gummy smile does spoil the beauty of a smile. The good news however is a gummy smile can be corrected with a smile makeover. The treatment depends on the cause of your gummy smile, so let us first learn the causes and then the treatments available for them.
Causes of Gummy Smile:
The movement of the upper lip is controlled by a muscle. At times this muscle can be hyperactive, which causes the lip to ascend higher than it normally would. Due to the hyperactive muscle more than required gums are exposed when one smiles.
  1. The structure of the upper jaw can be the cause at times. Some people have a bulging or protruding upper jaw, which makes the appearance of gums obvious while smiling.
  2. Our teeth grow out of the gums; in some cases however the gums cover the upper part of the teeth even when they grow out, making the teeth look smaller.
  3. Several medicines can lead to gum over-growth.
Treatment for Gummy Smile:
As stated earlier, the treatment of gummy smile depends on its cause. Nowadays several smile makeover options are available, of which gum contouring is a popular one. Gum contouring helps to create a more balanced gum line, which in turns helps to create a linear or balanced smile. Gingivectomy is a laser treatment for mild gummy smiles. Required amount of excessive gum tissue is removed during this procedure leading to a gum-less smile. For advanced level of gummy smiles, surgical treatments like lip repositioning or Maximilianus surgery can be required.
A trained periodontist is the only right person to suggest the correct treatment for your gummy smile. Thanks to smile makeover, a gum-less smile is now possible. So if you get conscious due to your gums showing when you smile, make an appointment with a periodontist today. Once you get your smile fixed, you can enhance it more with teeth jewelry or some other funky accessory!

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